How to login ?
Have you registered as a MachiBet member? If your answer is no and required a guide tap here.
After you register an account, the system will automatically log you in and redirect you to the homepage.
At the home page tap on the “Login” button, and it will take you to the “Log in” page.

Enter your username and password and tap “Login” to access your account.

Enjoy your play!
After you register an account, the system will automatically log you in and redirect you to the homepage.
If you are an existing member, to login into your account, simply follow the steps below:
At the home page tap on the “Login” button, and it will take you to the “Log in” page.

Enter your username and password and tap “Login” to access your account.

Enjoy your play!
Updated on: 01/03/2023
Thank you!